Microfon HyperX HyperX QuadCast 2, Black, Microphone for the streaming, Anti-Vibration shock mount, Tap-to-Mute sensor with LED indicator, Four selectable polar patterns, Internal pop filter, Built-in headphone jack, Cable length: 3m, Black/Red, USB
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Caracteristici pentru Microfon HyperX HyperX QuadCast 2, Black, Microphone for the streaming, Anti-Vibration shock mount, Tap-to-Mute sensor with LED indicator, Four selectable polar patterns, Internal pop filter, Built-in headphone jack, Cable length: 3m, Black/Red, USB
HyperX QuadCast 2, Black, Microphone for the streaming, Anti-Vibration shock mount, Tap-to-Mute sensor with LED indicator, Four selectable polar patterns, Internal pop filter, Built-in headphone jack, Cable length: 3m, Black/Red, USB